8 thoughts on “Latest Prostate Cancer Talk

  1. One of my colleagues got his diagnosis last week – on Thursday – and it has spread to the lymph nodes. He is 61. It seems he left his check a little late.


      • They won’t do surgery. That is how bad it is. When they do not even contemplate surgery and just are not sure yet if it has spread any further, things do not look too good for my colleague. Still yes, where there is life, there is hope. And still he should try to get his house in order, write his will if he hasn’t done that already and see to it, that things are wrapped up, should the worst come to be. His chances are much worse than yours were. But he is not without a chance.


      • He phoned in at work when I was doing the service line – that is how I got to know. It was just after the diagnosis. He has other problems, too, alcoholism is one of it. He seems to go back to alcohol (went to rehab last year), as his default-problem “solving” strategy.
        He is also kind of lonely. His daughter doesn’t want him in her life (you can understand that, he has been an alcoholic for all of her life, not very reliable a father), he has one friend (who sadly does not encourage him to drink) and a “girlfriend” (she is in it for financial benefits).

        So how does he take it? Shocked he was – it was the day of the diagnosis. Knowing the outlook was not too promising. He’s not the type to cry (and particularly not on the phone). And he is not half as delicate as you are when you describe the effects on virility. Something we female colleagues are not too fond of, really, we do not need to hear details of his private life where his private parts are concerned, and he is rather drastic in his language, and trust me, when I say so, that’s saying something. One younger colleague felt really uncomfortable in his presence therefore – and that was before his diagnosis!

        The man has had a rough youth, his father killing himself when he was 13, his mother ailing long time before her death, having suffered several other tragedies and crises in his life (divorced, one of his girlfriends burned to death in his flat – while he was away, dangerous accidents – broke both wrists – and epilepsy)

        No, he does not take it well. He also said he would not suffer it to the end. We both know what he meant with that.


      • Mm – how good is your German? Besides, while talking about him here anonymously I’d still find it hard to tell him what I told you about him … Though all is true I only felt confident to share things like his alcoholism because you do not know him. Otherwise I would have had to keep shtum about his personal conditions.


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